UK treasury proposes crypto regulation overhaul for smarter supervision

UK treasury proposes crypto regulation overhaul for smarter supervision - Regulation News - News

To Strengthen Oversight, Prevent Financial Crime, and Simplify Regulatory Procedures: The United Kingdom’s Treasury has recently announced a consultation paper detailing substantial updates to the money laundering regulations, with a primary focus on regulating crypto assets.

Introducing a New Era of “Smarter Regulation”: The proposed modifications stem from a review of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLRs). These amendments aim to minimize regulatory burdens, ensure regulations remain current in emerging technologies, and establish regulators who are responsive and accountable.

Integrating FCA Regulation for Crypto Firms

Central Proposal: Integration of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Regulation for Crypto Asset Service Providers: Under the current framework, numerous crypto firms operate outside of FCA supervision and are solely governed by MLRs. The new proposal suggests that these firms would now need to comply with both MLR authorization and FCA regulation.

Expansion of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA): The scope of FSMA will be broadened to encompass various crypto-related activities such as operating exchanges and providing custody services. Previously, FSMA only applied to crypto assets involved in regulated activities or financial instruments. With these proposed changes, crypto assets not subject to FCA oversight will need to register with the FCA for MLR supervision.

Implications for the Crypto Industry

Significant Consequences for the UK Crypto Industry: These proposed changes could significantly impact the crypto industry in the UK. Though intended to improve regulatory effectiveness and lessen compliance burdens, the integration of FCA oversight and the extension of FSMA’s reach mark a substantial shift in how crypto firms are regulated. Firms will be required to adapt to this new regulatory environment, potentially necessitating operational and compliance adjustments.

Modernizing Regulatory Frameworks Governing Crypto Assets: The consultation paper released by the UK Treasury represents a crucial step in updating regulatory frameworks governing crypto assets. By embracing “smarter regulation,” the proposed changes aim to strike a balance between effective supervision and minimizing regulatory burdens for industry participants.

Further Developments: Stakeholders Await the Consultation Process: The significance of these proposals for the crypto industry remains to be seen as stakeholders eagerly anticipate further developments throughout the consultation process.