Russia witnesses surge in corporate bankruptcies in early 2024: Report

Russia witnesses surge in corporate bankruptcies in early 2024: Report - Economy - News

Surge in Russian Business Bankruptcies Amid Economic Uncertainties and Moratorium Expirations

The business landscape in Russia is undergoing a significant transformation, as an increasing number of companies are filing for bankruptcy. According to recent reports from the Russian business daily Kommersant, using data from the federal register for bankruptcy, the trend began in January 2024 with a steep rise in insolvency cases.

A Shocking 57% Increase in January Bankruptcy Filings

January saw a considerable uptick, with 571 companies declaring bankruptcy – marking a 57% increase compared to the same month in the previous year. This trend continued through February, with an additional 197 cases, bringing the grand total to 771, representing a staggering 60% hike in bankruptcy filings compared to the same month in 2023.

The End of Moratoriums: Returning to Pre-Pandemic Filings

The surge in bankruptcies comes following the expiration of moratoriums on such filings, which had initially been implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and later extended due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. With these moratoriums now lifted, there has been a return to pre-pandemic levels of bankruptcy filings, according to Ilya Torosov, Russia’s first deputy economy minister.

Economic Headwinds: Inflation, Sanctions, and Fiscal Policies

Despite optimistic reports of Russia’s economic growth – with the country experiencing a 3.6% GDP increase in 2023 – the rising number of corporate bankruptcies presents a stark contrast to these encouraging figures. The Bank of Russia, aiming to control inflation, raised interest rates to 16%, which has hampered companies’ ability to refinance their debts.

Further complicating the economic situation are the ongoing sanctions and trade restrictions from the West, along with internal fiscal policies geared towards funding governmental promises of lifestyle improvements before the March 15-17, 2024 presidential elections.

Internal and External Challenges: A Perfect Storm for Businesses

These factors combined contribute to the financial pressures faced by Russian businesses, which is illustrated in the sharp increase in bankruptcy filings.

As Russia navigates this complex economic landscape, it remains to be seen how these challenges will impact the long-term viability of its corporate sector. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

Conclusion: Navigating a Tumultuous Business Environment

The recent surge in corporate bankruptcies in Russia highlights the challenges businesses face amidst a combination of internal and external factors. As the country moves past moratoriums, navigates economic headwinds, and prepares for presidential elections, the business environment remains uncertain at best. Only time will tell how Russian companies will adapt to this challenging climate and whether they’ll be able to weather the storm.


1. Kommersant – Russia’s Leading Business Daily:

3. Russian Presidential Elections: Tagged: