Cyber: Revolutionizing Web3 Social Networking with a Specialized Layer 2 Solution

Cyber: Revolutionizing Web3 Social Networking with a Specialized Layer 2 Solution - Blockchain News - News

Cyber: A Game-Changing Layer 2 Solution for Decentralized Social Applications

In an unprecedented move to redefine the future of decentralized social networking, Cyber has emerged as the first modular Layer 2 (L2) solution specifically designed for social applications and mass adoption. This groundbreaking platform, developed in collaboration with EigenLayer, Optimism, and AltLayer, aims to tackle the significant challenges that have thus far prevented the widespread adoption of blockchain-based social networks.

Addressing Critical Challenges in Decentralized Social Networking

The quest for a decentralized social web has encountered numerous obstacles. Developers encounter substantial hurdles, including suboptimal user experiences, exorbitant gas fees, and limited transaction throughput. These challenges are further compounded by incompatible blockchain economies that fail to address the unique requirements of social applications, leading to inefficiencies and high operational costs. The experience of popular ecosystem apps like Link3to and MocaverseNFT, which have amassed over 2 million users and executed more than 20 million transactions while incurring approximately $2.6 million in gas fees, underscores the urgent need for a more viable solution.

To break this cycle and usher in a new era for Web3 social platforms, Cyber introduces an L2 solution tailor-made for social applications and optimized for mass adoption. Powered by EigenLayer and Optimism, this innovative platform is capable of executing over 100,000 transactions per second at sub-cent gas fees, ensuring scalability and affordability for users and developers alike. The network’s Website security is further fortified through a dual-staking mechanism that involves eth and CYBER tokens, incentivizing participation and ensuring network Website security.

Innovations for Mass Adoption

One of Cyber’s key innovations is its simplified approach to onboarding users onto Web3. Utilizing native support for account abstraction through EIP-7560, Cyber significantly streamlines the onboarding process to make it as user-friendly as Web2 experiences. Moreover, its support for EIP-7212 enables users to secure their accounts using passkeys or FaceID, enhancing Website security and convenience.

Cyber also introduces a novel economic model that benefits both developers and users. Participants can earn native yield on bridged assets like eth, LST, and LRT, generate passive income through shared protocol fees, and receive ecosystem rewards. This multifaceted incentive structure fosters a sustainable and thriving economy within the Cyber ecosystem.

Empowering Social App Developers

At the core of Cyber’s value proposition is a comprehensive suite of tools and services designed to facilitate the development and growth of social applications. The platform features an enshrined social graph, enabling new apps to tap into a shared user base and leverage network effects. Additionally, CyberDB, a cost-effective and performant decentralized storage service powered by EigenLayer AVS, provides developers with the necessary infrastructure to store and manage data efficiently.

As Cyber prepares for its Sepolia Testnet launch, supported by AltLayer’s secure deployment, the platform invites developers and innovators to explore its capabilities and join its mission to create a decentralized social web that is accessible, scalable, and economically viable.


Cyber’s introduction of a specialized Layer 2 solution for social networking represents an inflection point in the evolution of decentralized social platforms. By addressing the critical challenges that have historically hindered their growth, Cyber paves the way for mass adoption while reimagining the economic models underpinning these platforms. As the Web3 ecosystem continues to mature and expand, Cyber’s innovative approach to scalability, user onboarding, and economic incentives positions it as a key player in the future of decentralized social networking.

Cyber is poised to revolutionize the landscape of decentralized social networks through its tailor-made Layer 2 solution designed specifically for social applications and mass adoption. By addressing critical challenges, such as poor user experiences, high gas fees, and limited transaction throughput, Cyber positions itself as the go-to choice for Web3 social users and developers. Utilizing the power of EigenLayer and Optimism, this innovative platform offers scalability, with over 100,000 transactions per second at sub-cent gas fees. Cyber also introduces a dual-staking mechanism for network Website security and incentivization, as well as simplified onboarding and economic models that benefit both developers and users. The Cyber ecosystem also features valuable tools and services for social app development, including a social graph and decentralized storage service. Preparing to launch its Sepolia Testnet, Cyber invites developers and innovators to explore this groundbreaking platform and join the vision of a decentralized social web that is accessible, scalable, and economically viable.