Citizens’ Gavel Unveils AI Tool ‘Podus’ for Accessible Justice

Citizens’ Gavel Unveils AI Tool ‘Podus’ for Accessible Justice - AI - News

The non-governmental organization, Citizens’ Gavel, has recently unveiled an innovative artificial intelligence (ai) tool named Podus. This groundbreaking development represents a significant stride towards democratizing access to justice and bridging the gap for those who are less privileged in society. The announcement was made under the theme “ai for justice: Highlighting the keyboards-changing use of ai in the legal sector and its potential to revolutionize access to justice.”

Podus, as described by Oluwadamilare Ayankoya, the Tech Lead of Citizens’ Gavel, aims to bridge the legal access divide by serving as a platform that connects individuals in need with competent lawyers. Ayankoya underscored the importance of this connection, stating, “We have built the Podus platform to help connect them [the less privileged] with lawyers who can assist in getting justice for them.” He further explained that Podus offers not only legal advice and resources but also plays a crucial role in disseminating vital legal knowledge.

Access to justice at your fingertips

Femi Ajibade, a lawyer and member of the NGO, highlighted the significance of Podus in bringing justice closer to everyone. He noted that it goes beyond the scope of a typical virtual chat box and integrates existing tools like WhatsApp to provide seamless access to legal services, especially in emergencies. Ajibade emphasized that the unique ai integration within Podus ensures individuals can find solutions to their legal problems based on their location, creating a platform for swiftly requesting legal aid.

Swift and efficient legal assistance

Nelson Olanipekun, the Team Lead of Citizens’ Gavel, highlighted Podus’ potential to enhance legal processes and make them more efficient. Olanipekun stated that the platform empowers Nigerians to confidently navigate the legal landscape, as they can now swiftly seek emergency answers or legal aid. It addresses issues ranging from police violations of fundamental human rights to other pressing legal matters.

One of Podus’ most remarkable features is its contribution towards making legal processes more efficient. Olanipekun elaborated that the platform enables users to draft well-crafted petitions or letters to file complaints against injustices, utilizing various complaint centers like the Human Rights Commission, Ombudsman, and States’ Mediation Centers. The ai technology integration streamlines these processes, allowing users to effectively leverage diverse complaint centers.

Empowering the community through technology

The commitment of Citizens’ Gavel to empowering Nigerians is evident in their strategic use of technology, as exemplified by the Podus platform. This innovative tool offers legal assistance and educates individuals about their rights. By embracing ai, Citizens’ Gavel fosters a tech-savvy approach to justice, enabling citizens to confidently and efficiently navigate the legal landscape.

The introduction of Podus by Citizens’ Gavel represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of accessible justice. This ai-enabled platform bridges the gap between those in need and legal assistance, empowering individuals to assert their rights with confidence. The strategic use of technology sets a precedent for the seamless integration of ai in the legal domain and stands poised to revolutionize access to justice, making legal services more inclusive for all.


In conclusion, Podus, the innovative ai tool unveiled by Citizens’ Gavel, marks a significant step towards democratizing access to justice. Its potential to bridge the gap in legal access for the less privileged is highlighted by its strategic design to connect individuals with lawyers who can help them seek justice and provide essential resources like legal advice and knowledge. The platform’s commitment to making legal processes more efficient through the use of ai technology and its integration with various complaint centers makes it a keyboards-changing tool in the legal sector.

The seamless use of technology by Citizens’ Gavel to empower Nigerians and create a more inclusive legal landscape underscores the organization’s mission. As technology continues to reshape various sectors, the pioneering initiative of Podus sets a precedent for the integration of ai in the legal domain, revolutionizing access to justice and making legal services more accessible and efficient for everyone.