Crypto Council comments on Hong Kong’s stablecoin regulation

Crypto Council comments on Hong Kong’s stablecoin regulation - African News - News

The Crypto Council for Innovation’s Detailed Response to Hong Kong’s Stablecoin Proposal

The Crypto Council for Innovation (CCI), a leading cryptocurrency industry group, recently submitted an extensive commentary in response to the proposed regulatory framework for stablecoins put forth by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB). The comprehensive consultation paper aimed to introduce licensing requirements for stablecoin issuers within the Hong Kong jurisdiction.

Concerns and Recommendations from Crypto Council for Innovation

The CCI’s five-page response raised significant concerns, with the organization acknowledging the importance of regulatory oversight while expressing reservations about certain aspects of the proposed framework. A primary area of contention was the reserve requirements, with the CCI fearing that such demands could pose an undue burden, particularly if they mirrored existing regulations in other jurisdictions.

Additionally, the requirement for stablecoin issuers to maintain a physical presence in Hong Kong was identified as a potential challenge for globally-operating crypto businesses. To mitigate these concerns, the CCI recommended a risk-based approach to reserve requirements and suggested the adoption of an “equivalence framework” aligned with international standards.

Advocating for Algorithmic Stability

A significant portion of the CCI’s commentary centered on algorithmic stablecoins, which have faced skepticism from Hong Kong authorities. Despite past challenges, such as the collapse of the terra/LUNA ecosystem, the CCI remained optimistic about their potential to drive innovation in the crypto space.

The organization emphasized that not all algorithmic stablecoins are alike and advocated for tailored regulatory measures to support their development. According to the CCI, benefits of algorithmic stablecoins include real-time auditability and automated liquidation systems, which can enhance efficiency in decentralized finance. However, these advantages hinge on the degree of decentralization, prompting the recommendation for the establishment of “decentralization thresholds” by the HKMA and FSTB.

The CCI also highlighted the resilience of stablecoins backed by cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum, with examples including dai, RAI, and LUSD. These coins offer an alternative to algorithmic stablecoins, ensuring stability while maintaining the flexibility of decentralized finance.

Addressing Regulatory Challenges in Stablecoin Space

As the stablecoin market continues to evolve, addressing regulatory challenges is crucial for fostering innovation while maintaining investor protection. The Crypto Council for Innovation’s commentary serves as a valuable contribution to the ongoing conversation, advocating for a balanced approach that recognizes the unique aspects of stablecoins and supports their continued growth in the Hong Kong financial landscape.