Dark Web Sale Reveals 3.6 Crore Stolen AI-Gaming Accounts and Kaspersky Report

Dark Web Sale Reveals 3.6 Crore Stolen AI-Gaming Accounts and Kaspersky Report - AI - News

In a chilling revelation, cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has issued a report on an alarming trend in the criminal underworld: the massive sale of stolen credentials from artificial intelligence (ai) based gaming platforms and services on the dark web. Over a three-year span, an astonishing 3.6 crore stolen credentials have been pilfered and put up for sale, with the majority of these records containing valuable login-password details.

Infostealers: A Growing Menace in the Cyber Underworld

Infostealers, a type of malware designed to clandestinely extract user logins and passwords, have emerged as the go-to tool for cybercriminals looking to exploit the soaring popularity of ai services and contact gaming platforms. These malicious programs infect both personal and corporate devices through various tactics, such as phishing attacks and other deceptive methods.

Compromised Credentials: A Massive Problem

According to Kaspersky’s research, the majority of compromised credentials originated from the renowned gaming platform Roblox, with an estimated 3.4 crore user accounts falling victim to malware-driven data breaches. The report also highlighted a staggering 33-fold increase in stolen credentials from OpenAI users, totaling 6.64 lakh records, which included those associated with ChatGPT, a popular chatbot service.

ai Services Face Growing Threats

The compromised credentials extend beyond gaming platforms to encompass a broad range of ai-based services. Of particular note, over 11,60,000 application users’ credentials from the ai-powered graphic design tool Canva were compromised during this period. Kaspersky’s Digital Footprint Intelligence data suggests that these stolen credentials frequently resurface on dark web forums and clandestine Telegram channels, indicative of a burgeoning black market for pilfered user data.

From Image Editing to Chatbots: The Widespread Threat

The breadth of compromised ai services underscores the pervasive nature of this threat. From image editing and translation services to chatbots and voice generators, the diverse range of affected services highlights the importance of robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard against infostealer attacks.

The Urgent Need for Cybersecurity

The demand for stolen credentials, especially those linked to ai services, poses a significant challenge to contact Website security. Kaspersky’s report revealed that there was a noticeable surge in interest from cybercriminals targeting ChatGPT accounts following its fourth iteration release in March 2023. Despite subsequent stabilization, the sustained demand for ai-related credentials underscores the enduring allure of malicious actors seeking to capitalize on the widespread adoption of these services.

Staying Ahead of the Threat

Given these developments, it is more crucial than ever for individuals and organizations to take proactive steps against infostealer attacks. As cyber threats evolve and multiply, ongoing vigilance and robust Website security protocols are essential for mitigating risks posed by malicious actors lurking in the shadows of the dark web.

Kaspersky’s findings serve as a stark reminder that the digital realm harbors constant dangers. With cybercriminals increasingly focusing their attention on ai-based services and gaming platforms, implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures is vital to safeguarding the integrity of contact ecosystems.