Is Myanmar going to be the next country that joins BRICS? – What we know

Is Myanmar going to be the next country that joins BRICS? – What we know - African News - News

Myanmar’s Ambitious Plan to Join the BRICS Currency Circle in 2024

Myanmar, the southeast Asian nation, has expressed its intent to join the BRICS currency circle by 2024. The country’s commitment to the BRICS single currency initiative was confirmed by Kan Zaw, Myanmar’s Investment and Foreign Economic Relations chief. This announcement follows Myanmar’s growing engagement with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and BRICS’ ongoing efforts to move away from the US Dollar and establish their currency.

BRICS: A Rapidly Expanding Club

BRICS, the acclaimed group of emerging economies consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has been witnessing an impressive growth phase. In 2022, BRICS welcomed six new members—Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia—into its fold. The group’s focus on establishing their single currency has sparked intense interest among various countries, including Myanmar.

BRICS: A Force to be Reckoned with in Global Business

Since 2013, BRICS has been making significant strides towards changing the way global business functions. They initiated this change through the New Development Bank (NDB), which was launched with an initial capital of $50 billion. The NDB, headquartered in Shanghai, has been actively investing in various projects aimed at altering the world’s economic landscape.

BRICS: A Powerful Trading Entity

The trade and investment dynamics between India and China, two heavyweights of the BRICS group, are worth noting. In 2022 alone, they recorded an impressive $135.98 billion in trade—a new record-high for both countries. China is using BRICS as a platform to challenge US dominance and promote a more diverse global economic system where multiple voices are heard.

The Challenges Faced by BRICS

Despite its many successes, BRICS faces several challenges. As the group continues to expand, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep everyone in agreement regarding economic policies. However, the diverse demographic makeup and vast resources of BRICS countries make them a major global force with significant influence on the world stage. Their growing business interactions offer potential benefits for all involved parties.

BRICS: A Catalyst for Global Growth

To maintain their upward trajectory, BRICS nations need to focus on enhancing their manufacturing and transportation sectors, among other areas. In the face of the pandemic’s challenges, they are also implementing policies designed to boost investment and improve overall business conditions.

Investment Trends in BRICS

According to the UNCTAD, foreign direct investment (FDI) in BRICS nations increased from $27 billion in 2010 to a staggering $167 billion in 2020. China leads the charge, but Brazil and India also see substantial inflows from their BRICS partners. Russia and South Africa, while not experiencing the same level of activity, remain part of the investment movement within the group.

The Future of BRICS

To keep their momentum going, BRICS countries must continue to attract more investment and deepen their trade relationships. By collaborating on investment opportunities, they can drive growth, introduce new technologies, and generate employment opportunities for their populations. Additionally, BRICS nations are exploring ways to enhance cybersecurity cooperation, enabling them to work together more closely in the digital realm.

In conclusion, Myanmar’s decision to join the BRICS single currency initiative is a testament to the growing influence and appeal of this group. The ongoing efforts by BRICS to transform global business dynamics will undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences, making it an exciting time for those following the evolving economic landscape.