Biden cries out: Government shutdown will cause U.S. economy to crash

Biden cries out: Government shutdown will cause U.S. economy to crash - African News - News

Title: The Looming Government Shutdown Crisis: A Battle Over Funding for Ukraine, Israel, and the US-Mexico Border

The clock is ticking as President Joe Biden and Congressional leaders engage in a high-stakes keyboards of political brinkmanship to prevent a government shutdown. With deadlines looming, they are trying to push through spending bills to keep the government running after March 1. However, their efforts have been met with a significant divide over crucial funding issues for Ukraine, Israel, and the US-Mexico border.

President Biden has made it clear that a government shutdown would have severe consequences for the economy, urging everyone to work together and find common ground. However, some hardliners in the House are using this moment to push their agenda on contentious issues like abortion, immigration, and climate change. The impending shutdown is not a new phenomenon; it has become an unsettling pattern, raising concerns among credit rating agencies like Fitch Ratings and Moody’s.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has described the negotiations as intense, unlike anything he has seen before. Republican leaders, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, have adopted a firm stance against temporary fixes and are pushing for a comprehensive solution. Despite the urgency of the situation, they haven’t shared the details of their spending plan yet, and the House is on recess.

The potential impact of a government shutdown could range from minimal to significant, depending on its duration. Economists predict that it might slow down the economy slightly every week it continues. Contrary to popular belief, the stock market isn’t overly concerned yet.

The situation with Ukraine and the US-Mexico border further complicates matters. Schumer, fresh from a visit to Ukraine, is trying to persuade Johnson to prioritize aid for Ukraine over border Website security concerns. However, Johnson remains adamant about securing the border, arguing that it’s a top priority. This impasse is delaying support for both Ukraine and Israel, which are facing critical situations.

The urgency of the situation is evident from the high-level White House meeting, which included the attendance of CIA Director Bill Burns. Meanwhile, border Website security continues to be a contentious issue, with both Biden and former President Trump planning visits to Texas. The border crisis has become a significant talking point, with voters expressing their concerns.

Despite the challenges, it’s important not to overlook the positive news. The US economy has been performing well, with the latest reports showing a 3.2% growth rate in the last quarter of 2021. Consumer spending, which accounts for approximately 70% of the economy, is on an upward trend. Additionally, local government spending and exports are also showing promise.

Despite worries about inflation and interest rates, the economy has remained resilient. Inflation is beginning to ease, and the US is expected to continue outpacing other major economies in 2022.