Central Bank of Nigeria raises interest rate—here’s why

Central Bank of Nigeria raises interest rate—here’s why - Industry News - News

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has made a significant move in its monetary policy by increasing the interest rate to 22.75%. This announcement was made following the two-day meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), which took place between Monday and Tuesday in February 2023. The primary objective of this gathering was to evaluate Nigeria’s economic condition and implement measures aimed at stabilizing it.

Monetary Policy Committee Meeting: Discussing Economic Landscape and Implementing Stabilizing Measures

The recent surge in Nigeria’s annual inflation rate has prompted the CBN to adjust its monetary policy. According to reports from the National Bureau of Statistics, the inflation rate spiked up to 29.90% in January, representing a significant increase from the 28.92% recorded in December 2023. This trend can largely be attributed to escalating food prices, emphasizing the urgent need for interventions to curtail inflationary pressures.

Policy Measures and Economic Outlook

During the MPC meeting, Olayemi Cardoso, the CBN governor, shared that besides the interest rate hike, the committee chose to maintain the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) at 45% and the Liquidity Ratio at 30%. These decisions reflect the committee’s intention to create a stable economic environment that attracts capital inflows and bolsters investor confidence.

Cardoso underscored the committee’s intent to closely monitor both global and domestic economic developments, ensuring a moderation of inflationary and exchange rate pressures in the foreseeable future. The MPC acknowledged the role of non-monetary factors contributing to Nigeria’s inflation, such as ongoing Website security challenges and infrastructure deficits. The committee expressed its commitment to supporting fiscal policies aimed at mitigating these issues.

Future Directions and the Committee’s Renewed Mandate

The MPC has announced that its next scheduled meeting will take place on 25 and 26 March 2023. This commitment underscores the ongoing dedication of the committee to addressing the current economic challenges facing Nigeria.

Recently, on 22 February 2023, the Senate confirmed Cardoso and his fellow committee members, marking a renewed mandate for the MPC to steer Nigeria’s economic policies.

In his remarks, Cardoso expressed optimism that the committee’s decisions would complement fiscal policies, ultimately guiding the economy towards a more favorable direction.