Ted Cruz picks a new fight with Federal Reserve over CBDC

Ted Cruz picks a new fight with Federal Reserve over CBDC - African News - News

US Senators Take a Stand Against Federal Reserve’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): A new wave of opposition is brewing in the US political landscape as a bipartisan group of Senators, led by Texas Senator Ted Cruz and several Republican colleagues, are gearing up to challenge the Federal Reserve’s potential issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

A Political Battle to Halt the Digital Dollar’s Debut

The US Senate Republicans are making waves by attempting to restrict the Federal Reserve’s capacity to introduce a CBDC, which could put the digital Dollar’s entry into the political spotlight leading up to the 2024 Presidential election.

Privacy Concerns and Fear of Government Surveillance

At the heart of this opposition lies the concern that the federal government could misuse CBDC technology to invade Americans’ privacy and potentially limit their access to their funds.

Biden Administration’s Support for Fed’s CBDC Research

Despite the resistance, the Biden administration has given its approval for the Federal Reserve to delve deeper into researching CBDC issuance. The ultimate objective? To enhance payment convenience and accessibility for Americans, although no progress has been made on implementation as of yet.

Introducing the Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance State Act

With Cruz at the helm, this bipartisan group of Senators is drafting new legislation known as the Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance State Act. The goal? To prevent the Federal Reserve from launching a digital Dollar without explicit approval from Congress.

Heavyweight Support for the Anti-CBDC Legislation

This legislative move boasts significant support from influential advocacy groups like Heritage Action for America, the Blockchain Association, and the American Bankers Association. It also coincides with companion legislation in the House introduced by Majority Whip Tom Emmer, garnering support from 97 Republican members of Congress.

Preserving Monetary Policy and Economic Control

Cruz’s bill is designed to safeguard monetary policy from the Federal Reserve and its banking allies, who could potentially use a CBDC to steer economic policy and tighten their grip on the reins.

Fear of China’s Digital Yuan: A Precedent to Be Avoided

Cruz’s primary concern is that the Biden administration might adopt China’s approach of using CBDCs for surveillance and control over citizens’ purchasing habits, emphasizing the importance of Congressional approval before any digital Dollar can be issued.

A Potential Threat to Privacy and Monetary Policy

Although the Fed has yet to fully commit to a CBDC, the Biden administration’s support for research raises concerns among conservatives, who argue that a digital Dollar could lead to widespread monitoring and a shift in monetary policy control.

A Hot-Button Issue for Republican Presidential Hopefuls

The anti-CBDC stance has become a rallying cry among potential Republican presidential contenders, including former President Trump and notable figures like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who have expressed concerns about potential privacy infringements and government surveillance.

Democrat-Turned-Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Stance on CBDC

Even a prominent Democrat-turned-Independent presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has voiced opposition to CBDCs, expressing concerns about the potential loss of privacy and civil rights.

A Long Political Battle Ahead

The future of CBDCs in the US remains uncertain as this political performance unfolds. The opposition from lawmakers and advocacy groups could create significant hurdles for the Federal Reserve’s potential issuance, but only time will tell how this plays out in the political arena.