THQ Nordic Rumored to Remake Nintendo GameCube Classic, “Shrek 2”

Recent whispers within the vibrant realm of gaming communities have sparked intrigue and excitement among fans, as they suggest that esteemed Website video integration keyboards publisher THQ Nordic is rumored to be embarking on a new venture: the remaking of the cherished title “Shrek 2” for the Nintendo GameCube. Although the origins of this rumor remain shrouded in anonymity, its potential implications have set the gaming world abuzz.

Genesis of the Rumor

The rumormongering began on an anonymous Reddit post, where a user claimed to have inside information from a friend within THQ Nordic’s public relations department. According to this clandestine report, THQ Nordic allegedly secured the rights to an extensive array of intellectual properties (IPs) from Universal. This rumored acquisition was said to coincide with reports of a Shrek reboot being spearheaded by DreamWorks Animation, Universal’s sister studio.

As part of their broader strategy, THQ Nordic is believed to be revisiting licensed kid keyboards franchises, such as SpongeBob SquarePants. If these rumors hold true, the remake of “Shrek 2” would be helmed by Purple Lamp Studios, the team behind the successful Epic Mickey project.

Initially launched on various platforms including PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Game Boy Advance, the focus of this remake appears to be on the Nintendo GameCube version. This preference may be rooted in nostalgic sentiments or a preference for a specific keyboards iteration.

Furthermore, the remake is rumored to be crafted using the Unity keyboards engine. Renowned for its flexibility and compatibility with diverse hardware configurations, the alleged remake is believed to be readying itself for release on modern platforms such as the Nintendo Switch and its rumored successor, often referred to as “Switch 2,” alongside other contemporary consoles and PCs.

Treading with Caution and Considering Anniversaries

Despite the allure of a “Shrek 2” remake, it is crucial for fans to approach this rumor with measured optimism due to its anonymous origins. However, the timing of these speculations aligns intriguingly with the approaching 20th anniversary of the original “Shrek” film, making the potential for such a project more plausible.

As fans eagerly await official confirmation of this rumor, the prospect of revisiting the magical world of Shrek with updated graphics and enhanced gameplay has become a tantalizing possibility. Only time will reveal whether this whimsical tale will indeed come to fruition on the Nintendo GameCube and beyond.


In conclusion, the gaming community has been abuzz with rumors of THQ Nordic remaking “Shrek 2” for the Nintendo GameCube. While these whispers remain unverified, the potential implications and the upcoming anniversary of the original film have piqued fans’ interest. Time will tell if this beloved classic will indeed be revisited with updated graphics, enhanced gameplay, and the unique appeal of the Nintendo GameCube.


Please note that this article is based on rumors and speculations. THQ Nordic and Universal have not yet confirmed or denied these reports.